Love, Undefeated.

This time, last year, 
I'd been writing about love,
As something that could only be,
Spoken about in abstractions,
A feeling which, I feared,
I'd never again encounter,
Blooming inside my barren heart.

Love seemed to dwell in my poetry,
Like a shadow that was just out of reach,
Words stained by the remains,
Of what I ached for,
And couldn't find.

But now that I can breathe again,
Feel the heart in my chest beat again,
See my mouth open in laughter and kisses again ( Oh the kisses! ) ,
And notice her touch warm my blood,
I know fortune has smiled once more,
I have found what I thought I'd lost,
I am in love once more.

The love that she has granted me,
Makes me feel ageless and pure,
I feel boundless when I look into her eyes,
Her love gives meaning to my life.

Can Love Lose ?

Do you think of love,
As a war to be fought,
When you tell me that, 
You loved and lost?

Or is love a game,
to be played,
A rival to defeat,
and moves to trade?

Love is not sport,
nor is it a battle I wage,
Instead, I would have an ally,
And stand with a comrade.

Loving is easy, 
An honest road,
A course inevitable,
Simple, unerring, pure.
My love is undefeated, ageless, 
Unfaltering, boundless,
My love grants meaning to life,
and everything beside.